Common Curriculum (Intellectual Output 1)

A commonly agreed syllabus for the contents of six modules under the umbrella of EASA's training curriculum has been developed between all project partners. An initial step towards this result was a synopsis of training standards defined in each of the five participating countries. The summary of this syllabus and its main topics and suggestions for the realization of mutually agreed training contents have been published.

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Study on Didactical Structure of EASA training Curriculum (Intellectual Output 3)

The structure of the EASA curriculum is modularized in terms of guaranteeing high and consistent security standards throughout all training, repair and maintenance institutions within EASA member states. Consequently, this curriculum follows a rather content-oriented paradigm of training. On the other hand, EU agreements within Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) follow a competence-based paradigm of training. To analyze the situation and to provide recommendations towards training institutions in regard of Europe’s VET standards, a scientific study has been an integral part of project activities. The associated partner, the IAW - Chair and Institute of Industrial Engineering and Ergonomics of RWTH Aachen University, has produced a study displaying their results in this regard. This study was firstly published and spread during the International Air Show in Le Bourget / France in June 2019.

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An Innovative and International Approach to Aviation Training

Due to its task to facilitate worldwide transport of passengers and freight, the aviation sector is one of the most internationalized industries. Consequently, staff in aviation maintenance and training companies is used to working in international teams. In order to already integrate these transnational characteristics into the training process of future technicians, an international project consortium has developed the basics for a suitable approach. Experts from five aviation training institutions in Belgium, Finland, France, Germany and Italy cooperated in the “Promotion of Learning in Aviation Technology Networks in Europe (PLANE)”. Together they worked out a common curriculum for six modules of the EASA syllabus for the training of aviation mechanics. Based on this, transnational training events like European exchange and mobility projects can be organized and their outcomes mutually recognized by the respective aviation authorities. Furthermore, to foster the teaching and learning process by innovative and interactive means, instruction materials have been shaped into ebooks that can be used on all relevant platforms (macOS, Windows, Android, IOS).